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A regular (free) newsletter focusing on the roots of the labor movement’s decline and revival using investigative research methods and financial analysis skills that I learned as a long-time analyst and campaigner for progressive unions.
Did the AFL-CIO Add 452,000 New Members?, 10/21/2024
The State of the Unions, 8/29/2024
New 2023 Data on Union Membership and Finances, 4/25/2024
Union Membership Edges Up, Density Down in 2023, 1/19/2023
"One Member, One Vote" and Finance Unionism, 12/13/2023
Labor's Net Assets Rise by $3.5 billion in 2021 while AFL-CIO Pledges "Unparalleled Investment" in Organizing, 10/18/2022
Union Democracy, Strike Funds, and Labor’s John L. Lewis Moment, 9/9/2022
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